Monday, February 15, 2010

Zoned Out

So I completely forgot about making a post to my blog last Thursday and Friday. I don't really know what happened I guess it just slipped my mind. I put a sticky note right in the middle of my bulletin board so I won't forget anymore. I hope it works.
This morning as I walked to class I noticed some squirrels in the little wooded area right outside of Christensen Hall. I heard some leaves rustling and I saw one running around and another climbing up a tree. I kept walking and then looked down and I was surprised to see another squirrel about a foot away from me. If I hadn't looked down I think I might have kicked it. I don't know if its is because people feed them or if they are just so used to having people around but these squirrels didn't even seem to care that I was walking so close to them.

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