Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Today was the most relaxing day I've had all week in terms of workload. My MIS project was due this morning so that was out of the way and the only big assignment that I had too worry about was the response paper which wasn't bad at all because I cam up with an idea for it pretty easily. It has been kind of a long day though because I had to get up at 6:15 am for soccer tryouts at 6:45 am. Today was the last day that I would be trying out and I think I did pretty well. I don't really have any idea whether or not I am going to make it though because I was kind of all over the place at the first few practices. I hadn't played for a while so I felt kind of rusty through out the tryouts and I could only tryout two of the four days every week because of class. I think I should be finding out by next week though so we'll see what happens.

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