Friday, April 30, 2010


The laundry situation in Christensen is pretty bad. I went down there this morning and all the washers were taken up except for one. I was going to use it but a girl that was in there told me I shouldn't use it because it was broken. Apparently there had been a huge puddle in front of it. So I ended up having to wait about half an hour to start my laundry and when I took it out of the washer, it was soaked. So apparently there a a few washers that are broken. While I was taking my clothes out there was another girl complaining about how soaked her clothes were too. I put my clothes in the dryer for 45 minutes and when I went down to take it out, they were still wet. So I had to start the dryer again, and hopefully when I go down this time, they will be dry.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Today was the second leg of the Champions League semi-final between FC Barcelona and Inter Milan. Inter won the first game 3-1 so Barcelona had to score two and make sure Inter did not score at all in order to win and go on to the final. Unfortunately Barcelona could only manage to score one goal so Inter will be headed to the final at the Santiago Bernabeau Stadium in Madrid, Spain to face FC Bayern Munich. I was really hoping that Barcelona would be able to make it to their second final in a row but that won't be happening anymore. One of my life goals is to go to Spain and watch Barcelona play at their home stadium. Their stadium is one of the biggest in the world with a capacity of almost 100,000. I have been to a stadium where there were 80,000 people at the game but I think with 20,000 more people the atmosphere at the game would be much different.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Peer Advising

Today I have my last peer advising session. I am pretty glad that I don't have to do it again next semester because I kind of thought it was a waste of time. The only thing that I really found useful was that we had to make our schedule pretty early because our adviser had to sign off on it. Other than that though I didn't really get too much out of it. The assignments that we had to do were kind of stupid and not really that necessary they pretty much just gave me another thing to add to do to my to-do list. We only met every other Tuesday but it would always seem like the day of my advising period I would have the most to do and I would kind of have to rush everything in order to make sure I was ready of peer advising.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Girl Talk

Tomorrow I am going to wait in line to buy tickets to Girl Talk who is scheduled to be coming here on May 7th. Hopefully I will not have to wait in line for too long but I don't think that will be too much of a problem. I don't feel like Girl Talk is really that popular here at UNH and the fact that Sam Adams is coming here on the same day might keep the lines a little short. I am excited for the concert though. I have heard some of the stuff that Girl Talk has put together and I think it's pretty good. I looked up some of his concerts on youtube and they look really cool. They are basically crazy dance parties with a light show to match. I think the concert will be a pretty good time.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Wasting Time

I hate the feeling when you wake up late on a Friday and then you feel like you waste the rest of the day. I had some work to do today, not enough that I won't be able to catch up but I could have gone to the library and got it done in order to free up the rest of my weekend. Instead I kind of just hung out today. I went to the gym, played some basketball, and hung out with my friends. Now I am planning on spending most of the day in the library tomorrow to catch up on my homework. Hopefully I don't get up too late and make the same mistake as today

Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Pool Room

Most days me and a couple of my friends go to the MUB and play pool after lunch if we enough time. Basically it is a time to relax a little bit and forget about the stresses of class and college life in general. It is surprising how good of a stress reliever it is. It is just a simple game but as soon as we get in that room we just all start relaxing a little bit more. We usually say we are just going to play a couple of games but we usually end up staying for an hour or two. We aren't that good but I guess we all just like to compete against each other no matter how trivial the game is.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Today was the most relaxing day I've had all week in terms of workload. My MIS project was due this morning so that was out of the way and the only big assignment that I had too worry about was the response paper which wasn't bad at all because I cam up with an idea for it pretty easily. It has been kind of a long day though because I had to get up at 6:15 am for soccer tryouts at 6:45 am. Today was the last day that I would be trying out and I think I did pretty well. I don't really have any idea whether or not I am going to make it though because I was kind of all over the place at the first few practices. I hadn't played for a while so I felt kind of rusty through out the tryouts and I could only tryout two of the four days every week because of class. I think I should be finding out by next week though so we'll see what happens.

Monday, April 19, 2010


Tomorrow is 4/20 and there are quite a few people that seem pretty excited. All over campus the NORML organization have been chalking up the sidewalks with marijuana plants and ads telling students to go to the T-hall lawn tomorrow to get rid of their munchies. I'm guessing that there will be free food there so I'll probably end up going there even though I won't be partaking in any of the traditional 4/20 celebrations. It definitely would be fun I'll admit and I'm sure most of the campus will be blazed out of their minds tomorrow, but I just have to much work to do tomorrow and on top of that I have another soccer tryout Wednesday morning at 6:45 am.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Home for the Weekend

This weekend I decided to go home for a couple of days. I think I picked a good weekend to come home because the weather is kind of sucky. I'd rather be inside for most of the day in my own house than in my dorm room or in the library. On the ride home it was pouring and there was even some snow once we got to about exit 12 on 89 north. I am basically planning on getting some homework done and relaxing a little bit before the last three stressful weeks of school. I'll probably actually be able to get some work done this weekend since it's not so nice out and the weather won't be a distraction.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Intramural Soccer

Every Thursday night at 7:30 I play on a co-ed intramural soccer team. We have had two games so far and next week the playoffs start. The first game we won 3-1 against a team that was pretty good and the second game we won 8-0, the team we played was considerably less than the first game. We play on the new fields behind the field where the soccer teams play their game. The fields are brand new and they are really nice. They are astro turf fields and they have lights on them. It's been a lot of fun playing on them and I just wish that we played more than one game a week.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The New Gym Setup

Since the beginning of the second semester, the Whittemore Center gym has had a new setup, and new free weights. It still gets just as crowded as ever and it should definitely be expanded, but the new layout makes it seem just a little bit roomier and more comfortable. What basically happened is that all of the free weights and benches got moved around to create a little more space to walk around in. The free weight rack that used to be in the middle of the room got replaced by two new racks that were put on either side of the room and the benches were put in between. This allowed for there to be more space in between the benches so you can move around a little bit easier. Like I said before though it still definitely has to be expanded because when it gets busy it gets really hard to grab an open bench or an open pair of weights.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Late Nights

I have a feeling that for the rest of school I am going to have quite a few late nights filled with studying. Today I was at the library for pretty much the whole day studying for my Ecology & Values test and working on my project for MIS. In the next couple of weeks I have the MIS project due, an MIS test, the E & V test, and probably another Economics test pretty soon. Hopefully it won't become to stressful and I'll be able to manage all the work. I am planning on going home this weekend so I can get away from the weekend distractions and get some work done.

Monday, April 12, 2010


Today I had to pick out my schedule for next semester. I had to hand it in to my peer adviser which is why I had to pick it out so early. I am taking Business Stats, Accounting, Law and Society, and Global Environmental Change next semester. It's going to be a kind of challenging semester because from what I've heard there is quite a bit of work in those classes. I made sure to look up all the professors on before I chose my classes though and hopefully I get the schedule I want because all the professors are supposed to be pretty good.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Lionel Messi

On Tuesday night Barcelona played Arsenal in their second leg of the quarterfinals of the UEFA Champions League. Barcelona went on to win the game 4-1 and the series 6-3. The headline of the game was not the score though, it was all about Lionel Messi. The Argentinean forward scored all four goals for Barcelona. The day after the game everyone involved in the soccer media wrote how they no longer had words to describe his play. I think it was best summed up by his national coached, Diedo Maradon who in his time was considered the best in the world. Maradona said that Messi is currently, "playing kick-about with Jesus," and I think it's true. Messi has been playing like a god and as I soccer fan I hope that he continues to play like this for a long time because it is simply amazing to watch.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

80 and sunny.

Today was an absolutely gorgeous day. It made want summer to come even that much faster. I was planning on going to the library today to work on my analysis and study for an economics test but instead I decided to play some basketball and throw a football around with some of my friends. It was just too nice out to pass it up. I did end up getting to the library at around six o' clock and I have been here ever since so I was still able to get most of the work done that I wanted to. Tomorrow is supposed to be kind of crappy compared to today, which is actually kind of a good thing, because now I won't fell the need to skip the library again.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


This week I have to sign up for where I want to live next year. I am trying to get a double with my friend and hopefully we will get one of the dorms that we want. It doesn't look very promising though because apparently in the dorm we want to live in next year there are only eight double rooms opening. Neither of us got very good priority numbers either so our chances of getting a hall that we want aren't very good. Hopefully everything will work out for us and we won’t get stuck somewhere that we don’t want to have to live in.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Time to Concentrate

I went home for Easter last weekend and now I'm back at school. The weekend at home was really relaxing. The weather was great so I outside most of the time, and I tried to do a little bit of homework. No there are only five weeks left of classes and it is really time to buckle down and focus on my schoolwork. I'm still not exactly where I want to be with my grades but I think I still have a pretty good chance to get them back up to where I want them to be. As long as I prioritize and make sure I spend more time in the library studying I think I should be able to get the GPA that I want.