Friday, March 12, 2010

Gold Cup

In my last post I said that I went to the Gold Cup Final and in this post I am going to write more about that. I went to the game last summer at Giants Stadium with my dad. The final was between Mexico and the USA and it had, as expected been sold out. I was really excited to go see the game because I knew the game would be exciting. On the way down my dad and I talked about which team was going to have more fans. We both that that it would be about half and half but as we got to our seats and the stadium started filling up, we could see that we had clearly been wrong. The stadium was filled with fans wearing red, white, and green and probably a couple thousand Mexican flags. There must have been 80,000 Mexican fans there and maybe 5,000 American fans. During the first half the game was pretty good with a few good chances for each side. Then in the second half everything changed. About fifteen minutes after the restart Mexico was awarded a penalty kick. The stadium went quiet as Gerrado Torrado ran up to take the shot. As the ball hit the net the stadium exploded. Everyone was out of their seats yelling and screaming with joy. I had never experienced anything like it before but I would get the chance four more times. The final score was 5-0 Mexico and even after the fifth goal was scored everyone reacted like it had been the first. Going into the game I did not know which team to root for but after that first goal it was easy to decide. The game may have been in New Jersey but 80,000 Mexican fans made me feel like I was sitting in the Azteca Stadium in the middle of Mexico City.

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